There are a few local specialist art couriers/installers (ie. Hang Art) who don't have websites. Often framers and other suppliers have existing (and preferred) relationships with courier companies so seek advice from them wherever possible.
Also be sure to insist that the other end does a condition report (including photos if possible) as soon as your work has been delivered. They should also do the same prior to sending any work back to you.
The following listings are not endorsements. Use any transportation company with great caution and be aware that some may have long lead-times from WA.
Avis (1)
International Art Services (4)
Pack N Send (2)
The Poster Girls (5)
TNT (3)
(1) You can hire commercial vehicles from Avis and this can work out cost-effective should you need to move a large number of works locally. It's best to call the Osborne Park outlet directly on 9444 1966.
(2) Be sure to be very specific when arranging transportation of artworks. ie. 'I would like you to pack this work for me', 'How will you be packing this?', 'Delivery must be on this day between these hours', 'Please confirm that delivery has been done as requested'. Also be sure to follow up with the other end that the work has been delivered.
(3) Artperth advises strongly against using TNT due to an unpleasant personal experience. Often transportation companies subcontract work so be sure to query who will actually be moving your artwork when requesting quotes.
(4) Email contact can be a bit sparodic. Best to call.
(5) Poster Girls are a cost-effective way to distribute your promotional material across Perth.
ABC Arts Portal (AUST)
ArtsEdge (WA)
Creative Partnerships Australia (AUST)
Department of Culture and the Arts (WA)
National Association for the Visual Arts (AUST)
Regional Arts Australia (AUST)
Advice for artists seeking gallery representation (INT) (Edward Winkleman)
Artsource Artist Resources (WA) (under Artist Services/Resources and Downloads)
National Association for the Visual Arts Advice Centre (AUST)